Jot Usage Examples

To make a simple script into a Lambda function...

... where the script is located at /path/to/script.jl, and contains a function called response_func, that takes a single argument of type Dict:

ex1_responder = get_responder("/path/to/script.jl", :response_func, Dict)
ex1_local_image = create_local_image("ex1", ex1_responder)
ex1_remote_image = push_to_ecr!(ex1_local_image)
ex1_lambda = create_lambda_function(ex1_remote_image)

To make a script with dependencies into a Lambda function...

... where the script is located at /path/to/script.jl, and contains a function called response_func, that takes a single argument of type Dict. The script uses the SpecialFunctions.jl package:

ex2_responder = get_responder("/path/to/script.jl", :response_func, Dict; dependencies=["SpecialFunctions"])
ex2_local_image = create_local_image("ex2", ex2_responder)
ex2_remote_image = push_to_ecr!(ex2_local_image)
ex2_lambda = create_lambda_function(ex2_remote_image)

To make a package into a local docker image, and test it...

... where the package root (containing the Project.toml) is /path/to/project, and the package contains a function called response_func, that takes a single argument of type String and appends " Responded" to the end of it:

ex3_responder = get_responder("/path/to/project", :response_func, String)
test_data = FunctionTestData("test", "test Responded")
ex3_local_image = create_local_image("ex3", ex3_responder; function_test_data=test_data)
run_local_image_test(ex3_local_image, test_data)

To make a package on github into a responder...

... where the package url is, and the package contains a function called response_func, that takes a single argument of type Vector{T} where {T <: Number}:

ex4_responder = get_responder("", :response_func, Vector)
ex4_local_image = create_local_image("ex4", ex4_responder)

To make a package in scope into a Responder...

... where the package contains a function called response_func, that takes a single argument of type Vector{Int64}:

using IntVectorResponder
ex5_responder = get_responder(IntVectorResponder, :response_func, Vector{Int64})

To see if a local docker image has the same function as a remote image...

... where localimage is a local docker image, and remoteimage is hosted on AWS ECR; the matches function checks that the underlying code of the local image and the remote image match:

matches(local_image, remote_image)